Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My name is Bekah and I go to the Maryland Institute college of art. My very good friend Georgina and I started this blog. This paragraph is about me though, not Georgina. Sometimes I draw constellations with my freckles or I will lay out all of my prettiest sweaters and just imagine all the wonderful things I could do in them.
I could have a picnic, I could go on a bike ride, I could go to the bookstore, I could run to Athens (Athens, Georgia) in all of those sweaters.
And then I will imagine that I am not living in a horrible dorm room, NO! I am living in a beautiful town house with an attic and a wet bar.
In this town house I will have a walk in closet and a bedroom covered in beautiful floral wall paper. All the people I love will live in this house with me and everyone will congratulate me on every little victory I have. What a lovely way you wash the dishes Bekah! What a wonderful technique you have to sweep the floor. Oh my! You are so efficient in the way you do you laundry after everything is dirty. Sometimes I will need a break from all the people that love me (because they always want to be around me) and I will go up to my extensive library with my grey
cat and read books. All of this is true. This is my life.

1 comment:

  1. "My, what a wonderful blog you write, Bekah! I so wish I could be nearer to learn your ways!"

    -lauren (clark)
